Quality Lifestyle Quality Performance Health & Fitness Talk For SIM
It’s my first public talk this year and I’m all excited about it. In fact, I’ve been spending the last few days preparing for it, scripting and rescripting my data. So here I am at the NUSS (National University of Singapore Society) Suntec City Guild House at the invitation of Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) to give a dinner talk on health and fitness. I received the invitation to speak a few months ago and accepted it as I felt it would be a blessing to share my knowledge with others. More importantly, it would allow me to fulfill my …
Healthy Lifestyle Talk For Singapore Police Force
As the saying goes, you never know who you are going to meet. Very often, one opportunity leads to another. One of the participants from my previous Quality Lifestyle Quality Performance dinner-time talk just last month sent me an invite via email asking if I could give a similar healthy lifestyle talk to a group of police officers on 18 Nov 08. I’m sure she must have found my earlier talk useful. I replied saying I would be happy to oblige. From what I understand, the Singapore Police Force has won a string of awards such as Singapore Quality Award, People Developer …
Health Is Wealth
I remember my mother used to tell me that ‘health is wealth’ when I was much younger. But back then, I didn’t really understand why this was so. Following the demise of my father, I finally realised the true importance of health. And that was one of the contributing reasons why I decided to take positive steps to transform myself and live life the way I wanted to. Goodbye skinny old me. Goodbye frail sickly me. Goodbye acne prone me. Goodbye no confident me. After years of experimenting and finally coming up with the right formula to looking good, I …
Embracing Healthy Living
Some of us struggle with eating disorders. Others try to find the “perfect body”. Whatever category you fall into, beware. Starving yourself is not going to help make you drop a pant or dress size immediately. Instead, it’s going to wreck havoc on your physical health in the long term. Think gastric juices churning and having a wild fun ride not unlike those Disneyland park rollercoaster rides. And it’s going to permanently hurt your passion for exercise. Trying to find the “perfect body” is also not going to help matters at all because there is no such thing as the …