3 Tips To Enhance Your Personal Image: Personal Grooming Talks For Hwa Chong Institution
I’m back at Hwa Chong Institution today to share with the JC1 students on the importance of personal image management. It is interesting the junior college decided to have two separate sessions of personal grooming talks – one for girls and one for boys. Well, splitting them up is not without its merits as I can focus specifically on each gender. And it was evident the audience appreciated this as well. There is an important distinction we need to make between image and perception. Very often, the image you attempt to project is not how others perceive you. Simply put, …
Personal Grooming Talk For Executives And Sales Professionals
I’m delighted to be here today to share personal grooming tips with a room filled with executives and sales professionals. Your image is much more than just the portrait of how others perceive you. It is both a revelation and reflection of your character and style. In today’s world, we buy brands because we associate a particular brand with certain values. For example, there are many brands of shoes out there. But some of us go for one particular brand over others. Price is not always the considering factor. We also take into account the design, the feelings associated …
Upcoming Talks On Grooming And Etiquette
I received an email from one of my industry friends today asking if I could do 3 grooming & etiquette talks in Nov 09 for a primary school. I’ve done talks for adults, teenagers and secondary school students. But as for primary school students, this is going to be my first time. It should not be too much to worry about as I’ll just treat it as a challenge and customise the information to their level. As good trainers, we always tailor our presentation to cater to our specific audience. That’s the importance of being client-specific. The same goes for …
Personal Grooming Talk At People’s Association (PA)
Sometimes I feel I’m like a magician as I have the ability to brighten up someone else’s day. But I don’t do it by waving my magic wand. Instead, I do it through my little ways of showing you how you can up your image quotient. Everyone wants to look good. There is no denial about that. Regardless of age, gender or occupation – we all want to look good. Sharing how easy it is just by understanding what works for you with the participants from the People’s Association (PA) who came from different parts of Singapore and congregating at …