NLP Training Workshop For SHRI Staff
Most people may have heard of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) or may have even attended some past training. Yet when it comes to applying it in their daily lives, many are unfortunately, clueless. This is one of the most often heard remarks from my audience. Do not despair as NLP is not something that is beyond the reach of all. Neither is it so mystical that only a few blessed ones are able to crack the magic code. Simply put, NLP is the study of excellence. In order to reach the pinnacle of success in life, knowing how and when to …
NLP Training Workshop For HK Hardware & Engineering
Even though words only make up 7% of our total image score, it is still important to choose the right words when communicating with others. This is especially so because we do not live in a vacuum. Like it or not, we are surrounded by people – our colleagues, friends, families, suppliers and even strangers. While words have the power to motivate, heal and make others feel loved; words too have the power to hurt, demoralize and inflict pain. Therefore, choosing the right words to use in any situation is an art in itself. And there lies the beauty of …
NLP Training At Arrow Electronics
There are many things I need to be grateful for in life and this is one of them – that people actually sign up for a lunchtalk because they know it’s me and I deliver value. As with all lunchtalk collaborations, I’m the one who attracts the crowd or fronts the advertisement. And it isn’t always everyday when you get to meet a room full of staff who are willing to learn. And for this very reason itself, my very presence this afternoon holds special meaning. Thank you, staff of Arrow Electronics. You make me feel extremely welcome! Many I …
The Visual Art Of Looking Good Grooming And NLP Workshop
What the men and ladies know, I know. But what they don’t know, I also know. That’s why what I do as a lifestyle coach is extremely rewarding as I get to leave a positive impact in the lives of others. So many times, people have so many questions in their minds but they are afraid of asking because sometimes the truth is too frightening. But then, if you are brave enough to confront the truth and accept it, would it not be better as you are 100% true to yourself? Holding this belief close to my heart, I welcomed …