My Healthy Meal: Organic Brown Rice Lunch
I made a new important discovery today. And I know I am still savoring every moment of this find. Tucked away in a rather nondescript part of Orchard Road is a mixed vegetable rice that sells organic brown rice. No more plain boring nutrition-less white rice for me after gym now. To most people, it’s just the colour of the rice – white versus brown. But the difference lies beyond the colour itself! A whole grain of rice has different layers. Only the other most layer, the hull, is removed to produce what we call brown rice. This process is …
My Healthy Meal: Chicken Breast Kway Teow Soup Lunch
I always patronise the Redhill Hawker Centre after training on Saturday afternoons for my lunch. It has become a weekly ritual that the couple selling chicken rice can spot me coming from a distance away. Without having to mention or order anything, they will know what I will be ordering. Yes, it’s always kway teow soup (果条汤 or guo tiao soup) with chicken breast meat and lots of vegetables. All this for only $3.50! And as I’m a regular, I do detect some extra chicken breast meat and heaps of vegetables (there’s more at the bottom of the bowl!) Even …