Health And Fitness Talks At AusGroup
It’s been a long while since I was invited back to the industrial estates to conduct my health and fitness talks. And here I am, in this two-part series, yesterday and today, at AusGroup, located at the far far west of Tuas.As with any other industrial, construction, manufacturing or shipping industries, holding a talk is always challenging for any trainer as you need to code switch between English, Mandarin and dialects sometimes too! Faced with the different nationalities in the room, from our locals to the Malaysians, Indians and Chinese nationals, being able to switch from one tongue to another was …
My Healthy Meal: Healthy Teriyaki Chicken
Guess what I found on a hot Friday afternoon? A quiet cozy eating place tucked in the middle of Bukit Timah serving delectable yet healthy food! When one thinks of teriyaki chicken, one usually thinks of chicken with loads of sweet marinated sauce over it with sticky Japanese rice or white rice. And the chicken almost always comes with the skin. Half expecting my teriyaki chicken to turn up this way, imagine my pleasant surprise when this dish below was presented to me. WOW! The skin of the teriyaki chicken was removed. 1 brownie point. Below the slabs of chicken …
Health Is Wealth
I remember my mother used to tell me that ‘health is wealth’ when I was much younger. But back then, I didn’t really understand why this was so. Following the demise of my father, I finally realised the true importance of health. And that was one of the contributing reasons why I decided to take positive steps to transform myself and live life the way I wanted to. Goodbye skinny old me. Goodbye frail sickly me. Goodbye acne prone me. Goodbye no confident me. After years of experimenting and finally coming up with the right formula to looking good, I …
Embracing Healthy Living
Some of us struggle with eating disorders. Others try to find the “perfect body”. Whatever category you fall into, beware. Starving yourself is not going to help make you drop a pant or dress size immediately. Instead, it’s going to wreck havoc on your physical health in the long term. Think gastric juices churning and having a wild fun ride not unlike those Disneyland park rollercoaster rides. And it’s going to permanently hurt your passion for exercise. Trying to find the “perfect body” is also not going to help matters at all because there is no such thing as the …