Dressing For Myself
I have a confession to make and I believe it would resonate with most, if not all readers out there. And that has to do with dressing. When I was a little boy, I dressed for my parents. Whatever my parents though would look nice on me, I wore. Whether it was a T-shirt with a cartoon character or a striped shirt, I never once complained nor protested. When I started schooling, I dressed like my classmates and peers. When the centre parting hairstyle was in back then, I had that look. When it was hip to wear Bata shoes …
The Visual Art Of Looking Good Grooming And NLP Workshop
What the men and ladies know, I know. But what they don’t know, I also know. That’s why what I do as a lifestyle coach is extremely rewarding as I get to leave a positive impact in the lives of others. So many times, people have so many questions in their minds but they are afraid of asking because sometimes the truth is too frightening. But then, if you are brave enough to confront the truth and accept it, would it not be better as you are 100% true to yourself? Holding this belief close to my heart, I welcomed …
The Sunday Times Article: Dressed For Success
Many people want to step out and exit the rat race but have not summoned enough courage to do so. I can relate to this and all of the pulling back factors – chief among them strong family objection, the fear of failure and a lack of self-conviction. But there will come a point in time when enough is enough. You just have to sack your boss and move on. Staying on would mean continued misery, false promises and a decreasing quality of life. Only upon leaving would one truly become free and fulfill one’s destiny on this planet. This was …
Grooming Talk For A*Star Fusionopolis
With three big screens behind me, it was like a scene from my solo pop concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. But alas it was not. Nonetheless, I have to admit this was certainly one of the grandest reception for my grooming talk. Billed as a full-house event by the organizers, I’m at A*STAR Fusionopolis. I’ve heard so much about Fusionopolis as it is the hotbed for our scientists and researchers. Privileged therefore am I in their company. Living in a highly urbanized society like Singapore, regardless of what your preference is, you are judged by the way you look …
Dressed For Success Grooming Talk For IBM Singapore
Back at IBM Singapore to conduct another grooming talk for the participants as part of the company’s International Women’s Week 2012 celebrations, it was good to see familiar faces in the group today. That could only mean two things – the participants enjoyed the learning last month when I was here. And secondly, they want to learn more. Continuing from where I left off last month and knowing what to expect from my sharing style, all were in for a treat to learn how to be dressed for success. Taking a cue from what to take note when shopping, I ran through …
Grooming Training Course For Presbyterian Community Services: 完美形象学
今天又有机会和长老会社区服务(Presbyterian Community Services) 的六十名老师们分享心得。还记得去年也教过贵社的老师们,只是今年的培训班是以华语来教。 欢迎老师们来到今天的完美形象学! 在现今社会里,完美形象是每一个人都不能缺少的。所谓形象,就是我们生活上的创造性体现。我们都知道人们对事物的感触和知识都不会完全相同。毕竟我们的经历都不一致。 但无可厚非的是,身为社会的现代人,每个人总要与他人往来接触,总有见第一面的时候,总会产生或好或坏的第一印象。无可否认的是一个人的形象非常重要, 就第一印象而言,谁都只有一次机会。你只能在最短的时间内留下最深刻的印象。多位学者指出,人在初次见面时,他人给你的评价主要取决于关键的一眼瞬间。 一个人衣着整洁、典雅,具有良好的个人形象,也是向他人暗示:“请相信我,我是有修养、有能力的”,从而为自己赢得更多的好感和机遇。树立良好的印象,能让你在前进的道路上越走越好、越走越远。 身为老师们,形象的重要性更不用说了!老师是人类灵魂的设计者,学生们心目中的好榜样。 孙子兵法里有一句名言:知己知彼、百战百胜。今天我也有自己的名言:知己知己、百场百艳。意思就是根据个人的形象特征为自己量身打造一个属于自己的完美形象。。。无论在什么社交场合都人留下美好印象。 看到老师们笑容满面,可以看出她们在享受其中,自我了解到底适合哪一种装扮风格、时尚发型、色彩、服装款式、配饰、化妆方案、各种场合着装、护肤护发方案、以及针对自己体形设计的时尚装扮技巧等。 老师们开心地学习与发觉,我也开心地传授心得。就让我们从此刻起,打造一个魅力无穷的完美形象吧! …
2 Day Grooming Workshop For North Vista Secondary School With Image Consultants
One of the biggest lessons I have learnt as an entrepreneur is that of forming supportive teams. As the word itself suggests, T.E.A.M also stands for “together everyone achieves more”. Because we have the strong backing and support of a team, we are all able to share resources, grow faster and reap higher returns. This week, I again witnessed the phenomenal magical power of leveraging on a team 🙂 Being chosen as the official grooming workshop provider for the entire Secondary 2 student cohort of North Vista Secondary School gave me the confidence to put leverage into practice. I came …