Cozycot Chooses Singapore’s 100 Best Loved Beauty Professionals
I received an email from Cozycot, Singapore’s leading online beauty portal that I’ve been selected as one of Singapore’s 100 Most Loved Beauty Professionals! Good news indeed…Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement 🙂 PS: Read on by clicking here for the simple but heart-warming Award Ceremony at Cozycot’s office. A timely birthday present indeed 🙂 …
Singapore’s 100 Most Loved Beauty Professionals Award By Cozycot
Birthday presents come in many shapes and forms. While those from family, loved ones and friends surround the heart with aplenty emotions, other unexpected ones bring boundless joy to the birthday boy. Many a times in life, it’s when you least expect it that you cherish it the most. Away in the Philippines for a business networking trip, I had to miss the awards ceremony of Singapore’s 100 Most Loved Beauty Professionals organized by Cozycot as part of the Cozycot Beauty Awards 2011 at Orchard Central over the weekends. But the Cozycot guys didn’t forget me and were very nice …