Personal Training Is No Stroll In The Park
This may sound cliche but it works everytime I share it. “If you think personal training is a stroll in the park, think again”. This is my favourite phrase of late. Besides commitment from both client and trainer, personal training also demands a lot of determination from the client. It is definitely not an hour of chit-chat time where you pour out all your sob stories, latest problems or complaints about colleagues or bosses to me. Have you ever wondered why there are some people who work out at the gym for years and still remain scrawny or chubby? That’s …
My New Photo Gallery
Dear all, You will realise that I now have an improved version of a photo gallery. Yes, it was completed today. Instead of having to open the pictures one by one in the past, visitors can just click on the left or right side of the picture to view the next one. Sweet! I hope you enjoy this new experience as much as I do. Thanks to all for your support and do keep coming back to for more articles and blog updates 🙂 Cheers, Lionel …