Hello from Lionel Lim!
Lionel Lim: My Story
Lionel Lim’s dynamic personality and charismatic blend of expertise with edutainment have made him one of the most sought-after professional speakers. His unique HR background and charcoal-to-diamond story has endeared him with all ages from lecturing at universities and polytechnic campuses to the most demanding executive boardrooms.
Mission and Vision
His purpose, goals and values have shaped Lionel Lim through the years. And that is the reason why he is passionate about helping you build your personal brand.
Media Coverage
Lionel Lim has been featured in over 30 international and local media platforms. These include television shows, newspaper interviews, radio shows, magazine publications, podcasts and internet news.
Awards and Accolades
A multi-award-winning personal branding speaker and image consultant, Lionel Lim has received numerous awards from the business world, IT world, beauty industry, education sector and military for his achievements.
Image Consultant Singapore Team
We are Singapore’s preferred image consultancy featuring a team of experienced image consultants and professional grooming trainers from both genders. Specialising in grooming workshops, etiquette training and interview skills workshops, your quest to boost your image quotient starts here.