Train The Trainer Personal Grooming Workshop For ITE College East

The biggest gift in life one can possibly give others is not money. Rather, it is to teach others a skill which they can internalize and in turn help others become better people. That truly is a blessing that transcends everything.
Welcome to the train the trainer personal grooming workshop for ITE College East. As the name suggests, it is targeted at the lecturers. This is the same as the Image Consultant Coaching Programme (ICCP) that I run for people who are interested to become image consultants in Singapore.
Specially handpicked by the School of Business and Lifeskills, the motivation for the 6 lecturers attending was simple. They would come and learn, and upon completion of the 3 day programme, incorporate the same skills into grooming workshops for students at the ITE College East.
Personally, it is a privilege to train the lecturers as all of them have accumulated a wealth of experience from teaching.
From day one when I started training others, I have never seen myself as a teacher of sorts. Rather, I make it a point to speak to my audience at their level. Perhaps one of my greatest assets is to simplify difficult concepts into easy-to-understand bite-size portions. This is done deliberately so as to ensure participants have fun while learning.
If you have read my life story, you will know personal grooming holds special meaning for me. From the skinny, sickly, low self-esteemed old me back then, I have witnessed my own transformation to the confident, new me running six businesses. And words in themselves are insufficient to describe the journey I’ve had in the last seven years – one filled with peaks and greater peaks. Gratifying would be a serious understatement.
Believe it or not – personal grooming really has that magic to lift one out of the doldrums. When you bother to dress up, you really feel good. And when someone compliments you (whether it is your smart outfit, nice accessories, perfect hairdo or simply you becoming a lady or gentleman), your feel-good factor will hit through the roof. Extensive research has shown that when someone praises us, our brains release dopamines. We want to relive that feel-good feeling again so we will pay more attention to our appearance. And it just takes off from here.
Over the last three days, I have used my skills and expertise to positively impact a new generation of educators as I am equally confident they will in turn spread the importance of grooming and etiquette to their current and future students.
When a society becomes more cultured, it is naturally a good thing. That’s because we have raised our social profile and we know how to interact well with others, including foreign counterparts. People will take us seriously. Think of it as a win-win situation as it benefits both our personal and professional lives.
In the grooming universe, every topic matters. This is akin to how every one of our human senses is of equal importance. So whether it is body shapes, styles, colour analysis, dining etiquette or skincare – my passion for each and every topic remains feverish.