The Visual Art Of Looking Good Grooming Workshop – My Signature Programme Logo

There will always be some things that we want to do but have been putting it off as other issues crop up all the time. One of them is to come up with the logo design for one of my signature programmes – The Visual Art of Looking Good. Yes, as most of you may already know, it is my 1-day grooming workshop. I’ve done four runs of it this year and look forward to receive more participants come 2011.
Having a logo for each of my workshops and programmes is important. As every workshop programme is different, each logo too is designed differently as the logo itself helps to brand and “sell” the workshop programme.
Having mulled over for a while and coming up with different designs, I’ve finally decided to go with this one as it connects most with me.
Unveiling the winning logo design…
As ladies make up the majority of my participants, it only felt natural to use a lady’s face. But then you can’t see the entire face as she eyes with her subtlety and confidence. For all my male supporters out there, fret not. If the number of guys enrolling for the workshops pick up, I’ll design a male version of this logo as well 🙂
In every workshop, it is also my hope (together with the participants’) that everyone receives a breakthrough towards the end. The breakthrough can come in any form – whether it be the certain realisation that you have been getting it wrong all these years by way of wearing your worst colours or that particular aha moment that you are now more appreciative of your own body’s unique assets. There is no better way to represent transformation than using a butterfly. The butterfly’s metamorphosis from the ugly caterpillar to the beautiful creature it now is is the essence of the entire workshop – just come spend a day with me, and be enriched and wowed by what you can literally see in your own transformation when you walk away.
Finally, while the stripes are aesthetically pleasing to most, they also create a playful and fun environment under which learning takes place. You can associate this to a real piece of visual art.