Style Coaching: Creating Your Life Plan
When I received the call, I could relate to the voice on the other end of the telephone. The voice was reminiscent of that of my mum – maternal and yet concerned at the same time.
If there’s anything in this world we should treasure more, that would definitely be the love among family. A mother’s love for her son knows no bounds. Indeed, it is unconditional. A mother gives and expects nothing in return. A mother loves and is prepared to go the distance for her son.
On the other end of the line was a mother who after doing her research online, felt I would be the best person to help her son. As a mother who agonized over her son’s plight, she sought professional help.
Enter style coaching, one of my personalised services designed to help individuals achieve breakthrough results fast.
Her son, let’s call him B, was disillusioned with life in general and had little interest in moving out of his hermit shell. More importantly, he lacked a life direction. Sounds familiar to those of you who have read my life story? Yes!
As an ex-carbon copy of her son, I was asked to style coach B and put on the cheer in his life.
If you ask me, style coaching is very rewarding as it allows the coach not only to help the client get back on track, but also to instill confidence and self-belief, two qualities which clients often lack.
As strangers meeting for the first time, it certainly isn’t easy to enter another person’s world. But with perseverance and the right rapport built, it isn’t an impossible task. Armed with my arsenal of techniques gleaned from the world of HR, plus my years of training; it felt good to hear B talk about himself. Indeed, in my life coaching, the client is given plenty of airtime to talk about himself or herself. It’s about him or her expressing the own identity. There are no right or wrong answers. Just like brainstorming, all answers are respected but can be further refined along the way to make them better. That’s how a coach adds value.
Once B started to open up and talk about himself, it was like watching him peel away the layers of the onion till he got to the very core of his existence and what made him happy. Many a times, it’s not money or position that makes us happy. It’s the dream we had when we were young but somehow that dream got overlooked, cast aside and forgotten over the years.
We all have dreams. Dreams are what make us powerful as they give us the ability to construct the abstract. Nobody can steal our dreams away from us. But dreams will only remain dreams if we fail to take action to concretize the abstract and turn them into reality.
When we discussed B’s dream, his eyes lit up and he became more animated and excited. Of course, that’s a given! When you speak of your dream with passion and fire, that’s when you truly start to live.
With a list of short-term goals prioritized, I felt gratified that B is now on his way to becoming a happier person who is able to live life to the fullest and dream the impossible dream.