Stress Management Talk For Terrapinn

Stress Management Talk For Terrapinn
There are many things to be stressed about in life – think tight deadlines, unreasonable bosses, traffic jams, never-ending bills to pay…the list goes on. But even if you get terribly upset over it, it’s not going to change things a single bit. 
Just because you are stressed doesn’t mean your boss will increase your pay by 50% overnight. Just because you are stressed doesn’t mean God will give you an extra 24 hours each day. 

So where does this all lead us? Find out more in today’s stress management talk especially for Terrapinn. 


A business media company, Terrapinn deals with trade exhibitions, conferences, training solutions and electronic and print publications. Working mostly on deadlines and on project basis, it’s understandable for stress levels to escalate a little when the show is coming on.

For the enlightened, once you realise you are in control of your life, you have mastered stress.

Simply put, managing stress is all about taking charge. And taking charge is a powerful concept. Who is in charge? Are you in charge? Or is someone else running your life for you?

Filled with useful anecdotes, the stress management talk helps participants focus on taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your environment and how your deal with problems. 

We all aspire to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle where we have good work-life balance. This is not impossible if we know how to allow ourselves to relax at the right time. 

Try deep breathing exercises and meditation – two of the most useful stress busting techniques I recommended to the group today. Already useful separately, if we were to combine deep breathing with meditation, the benefits of it all become multi-fold.

Let’s strive towards stress mastery!

