Stress Management Talk For Kodak Singapore
Stress comes in many forms and affects all of us differently. For some of us, stress could be because of an internal trigger. Internal triggers could range from a personal desire to want to get promoted, a quarrel with your loved one or the potential outcome of the yearly staff appraisal. For others, stress could be because of an external trigger. These could come in the guise of your boss arrowing you yet another big project, the tight deadline ahead or the banks hounding you to pay your credit card bills.
Whatever your trigger is, it is important to identify it early and accurately. This in essence was the message I brought across to the participants from Kodak Singapore who attended my stress management talk.
If you ask me, there is no magic pill to manage stress. In addition to knowing your triggers, stress management also involves controlling and reducing the tension by making changes emotionally, physically and mentally.
When I put the participants through a stress check, some were surprisingly pleased to note that they scored well. This wasn’t unexpected as the same people who were smiling throughout the talk and most relaxed with their body language were the same ones who scored the best.
I firmly believe that if one wants to combat stress, it’s all about creating flow in one’s life. Just like how some of us relish reading our novels, walk along the beach or work out in the gym, others enjoy cooking it away in the kitchen, embark on retail therapy or go for a good massage. Whatever helps create flow in your life, please carry on and do more of it as it helps us to maintain our sanity in this world.
In the same manner as how the water in the stream flows fluidly, so must we learn to let go of our uptight emotions and become like water. Pristine, pure and untainted by anyone, once we create flow in our thoughts, our footsteps become lighter, our complexions rosier and our moods 100 times better!
That was why I also shared with the participants how to do deep breathing exercises and did a group meditation as the grand finale to this stress management talk.