Lianhe Wanbao Health And Wellness Article – Resistance Tube Exercises

Lianhe Wanbao Health And Wellness Article – Resistance Tube Exercises

According to Chinese tradition, it’s the seventh day of the Chinese New Year (人日) and that means it’s everyone’s birthday today. And to sweeten the birthday celebrations, I’m being featured in the local press again this month for the second time!

Appearing in the Mandarin daily papers, Lianhe Wanbao (联合晚报) is a first for me as the past few press mentions were all in English. And I must give myself due credit for translating all the texts and instructions into Mandarin 🙂

The article takes a new slant in that it discusses an age-old issue – the lack of exercise in people during the festive season and challenges readers to seek a new resolve to start exercising. If I can summarise the three major excuses people generally give for not exercising – “no time”, “no knowledge” and “no foundation”, the article dispels these as issues that can be dealt with easily and nipped in the bud readily.

Stepping in to offer expert advice is a chosen set of five resistance tube exercises from my recently launched fitness calendar 2012.

Using the resistance tube to exercise offers many pluses, among them the easy portability owing to its light weight (you can even bring it along when you travel) as compared to traditional machines or dumbbells; immense potential to customise any training programme to your own needs (as long as you are creative) as the resistance tube is a all-in-one equipment for every muscle group; and the high-grade latex material used in the manufacturing process which allows it to be stretched and pulled with ease for all ages and genders.

Enough said! It’s time to ditch those excuses and start getting fit with me in this new year!


PS: Click here to read about me in Lianhe Wanbao: Fitness Ball Exercises (17 Jul 2012)   

 Click here to read about me in The Straits Times Mind Your Body: Mr Confident (12 Jan 2012) 

Click here to read about me in The Sunday Times: Dressed For Success (4 Sep 2011)

PPPPSClick here to read about me in The Straits Times Life: Collectors Series (20 Aug 2011)