Health & Fitness Workshop for Jurong Junior College JC1 Girls: Part 1

Dividing up the girls into five teams for easier coordination, the health and fitness workshop continued to bring the girls along on a journey of self-discovery. It is one thing to know something, yet another altogether to face up to the reality.
Now that everyone belongs to a team, we may begin our Health & Fitness Workshop
Sharing simple but effective concepts which many of us neglect simply because of our busy schedules, I got the girls to diagnose the state of their health. If they thought it weird for the trainer to allow them to bring along their handphones for the workshop, their curiosity was now answered. They needed their handphones to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI), Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR), Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) and Weight-Hip Ratio (WHR).
The girls are busy calculating their own scores with the help of their mobile phones
After the formula were given to them, the girls wasted no time to calculate their own scores and recording them down. In all honesty, like our body shapes, we can change the readings in about 3 months should we not be happy with them through constant exercise and diet. What is more important is to know the state of our health at hand so as to continue to seek continuous improvement or maintenance.
Would you like to share with everyone what you ate for recess a while ago?
Sharing the tenets of what worked for me in my own fitness journey, I proceeded to pick some simple bodyweight exercises for the girls to do. With bodyweight exercises, there should be no more excuses like it’s intimidating to enter a gym or having no equipment to work out.
First up was the glute kickback.
The girls who exercise together get fit together – glute kickback
This was then followed by the mother of all lower body weight exercises – the lunges. Lunges are not known as the queen of leg exercises for no reason as they really work the quadriceps (or thighs) to very good effect. Simple yet effective for toning up, they are perfect anytime, anywhere.