Grooming Workshop For School Teachers: Mayflower Primary School
It really feels good to be back in a school environment. I recall my own school days with fond memories – the playground, the tuckshop, the music room, the laboratories and all…And as I look around me, it dawns upon me that I have never quite left the education sector. From a student years back to a full-fledged trainer now, I’m constantly molding the lives of others and impacting them in a positive way.
This is a grooming workshop with a difference. I’m not training the students today. Rather, I’m training the teachers of Mayflower Primary School.
It’s really an honour being able to train the teachers as I always hold teachers in high respect. But what really made my day was the fact that despite their busy schedules, both the principal and vice-principal also made it a point to attend the workshop.
Grooming – a subject so close to all our hearts as who doesn’t want to look good and feel good? If you didn’t raise your hands, I think you are definitely lying to yourself.
In this world where first impressions matter, learning useful tips on how to up our image quotient and likability factor in the hearts and minds of others is the key to success. Just like how the teachers came together today to master the art of looking good and be the role models in the lives of their students. This seeks to remind me of how one always looks up to one’s role model or mentor so as to accelerate success in life.
If you think training teachers is a challenging task, think again. They are not! They may appear fierce or even scold you if you forget to do your homework. Yet if you take time to get to know each of them personally, you will find that they are friendly, amicable and deliberately poke fun at themselves…all for a good cause!
From all their cheerful expressions and wide smiles, I’m sure they have picked up valuable skills which they can further share with their students. Thank you teachers of Mayflower Primary School!