Grooming Workshop For PSB Academy

I’m really blessed to be able to do what I enjoy doing. This is again validated by the invitation by PSB Academy to conduct a grooming talk for the undergraduates and postgraduates today.
My first impression of the classroom which I was allocated for the 3 hour talk was excellent. In fact, the logistics support provided has now set the benchmark for all future workshops or talks. I especially like the small pen-sized microphone. Not only did it not hinder my movements, it also allowed me free rein to move around. And this I did to my full advantage today.
The biggest worry for any trainer is the lack of audience participation. It is truly monotonous if I have to hear my own voice for the next few hours. Thus, after the students were warmed up to my participatory style of sharing, I proceeded to up the energy of the room by moving around and eliciting responses from them. This helped liven up the general mood as it was done in a non-threatening way. By doing so, everyone in the room had a chance (it was definitely more than once when I asked them for an individual response) to share his or her view on a certain topic.
Walking around with the feather-light microphone eliciting responses
Of particular interest to the students were the image destroyers, grooming tips, personality types and my final 2 pet topics – healthy eating & exercising. Taking each topic seriously, I could feel the keen interest in each and every one. Happiness is an understatement when you know you have already made a difference in the life of others by simply being in a privileged position to share. When you share what you know, you make this world a better world.
If I can sum up the essence of the 3 hour talk into 3 important pointers, I’ll put them succinctly as follows:-
Pointer 1: You are Your Best Friend – No one knows your body shape, facial shape & personality style better than you. So who should you trust? The answer is obvious!
Pointer 2: Eat More, Eat Less – Eating three square meals is old school thinking. Piling up your plate up to the max is worse. Give yourselves the gift of eating slowly and enjoying your food every 3 hours in small portions. Do you not want to feel energized the entire day? Then start cultivating this new habit! Simple yet powerful, right?
Pointer 3: Be Someone who Makes Things Happen – Whatever you have wanted to do, whether it is to take up a new sport or try a new look, go for it. Don’t hem and haw and regret as time & tide waits for no man.
More importantly, I had the honour of sharing my knowledge with my fellow Asian friends as some of the students came from China, Vietnam, Myanmar, India & Indonesia!
We are what we digest
From their initial shyness to gradual confidence, while having fun at the same time, I really enjoyed myself and as they always say, when you are doing the things you like, time passes exceptionally quickly. Even the additional four human massage state change which was impromptu was appreciated by the students. When I asked for one word adjectives as to how they felt, the only adjectives I heard were good ones, ranging from ‘awesome’, ‘relaxed’ to ‘heavenly’ and ‘very good’.
From initial shyness to gradual enjoyment…let’s massage one other’s shoulders
I really envy my Vietnam friend in purple T-shirt. He’s getting a four human massage from 4 beauties!
It takes only one-tenth of a second to leave a lasting impression. But once that impression has been impressed upon others, it will take a lifetime to erase it. So, ladies & gentlemen, why do some of us still not bother about how we project ourselves in the eyes of others?
Yet for the small cozy group of 15 students, I had nothing to worry as I’m very sure they have learnt a great deal. In fact, some students even took massive action & decided to sign up my 2 day grooming workshop which will be from 20 – 21 Mar 10. I really salute them as they are really keen to learn. As a trainer, the more enthusiastic the audience is, the more energy I will emit. Energy feeds on energy.
Two thumbs up for the grooming talk
My challenge to all my readers is this: why impress at only 55% when you can impress at 100%? Why stop learning when you know what you will be learning are life skills not taught at school?
Don’t short-change yourself. You’ve already taken that first vital step out…the next course of action will be to follow through.
As participants already know from the talk, I have an upcoming 2 day grooming workshop scheduled from 20 – 21 Mar 2010. Some of the talk participants have signed up. I congratulate them on their decisiveness and trust in me. I know we will all be in for a great time as the learning will be fun. Plus they got the best deal in town.
As Chinese New Year is coming, I’m going to make everyone 2 ridiculous offers that sound TOO GOOD to be true. Simply sign up now for my 2 day grooming workshop and get $68 off the stated web price! Or refer a friend (who did not attend this talk or any previous talks) to sign up today and if it is a successful referral, I’ll give you $68 cash! No questions asked.
Spread the word around. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Be someone who takes immediate action and be rewarded for it!
Only 5 vacancies available. Offer ends 21 Feb 2010.