Grooming Talk For Singapore Polytechnic Students
The final year of any school education is always the one we hold with much mixed emotions. It is a time of celebration as it marks the culmination of all our hard work at school. Yet it is also a time of trepidation as we do not know what the future holds – should the way ahead be to further our studies or get a job?
For many, the answer would be to seek gainful employment.
I’m here at Singapore Polytechnic today to speak to a group of graduating students. As part of a module that the students attend (Communication Skills for Interpersonal and Work Effectiveness) in which students get to prepare for job search and application, interview skills; it was deemed that it would be an eye-opener for a select group to pick up some grooming tips from today’s grooming talk.
In an increasingly competitive world, good grades alone are insufficient to get you that dream job. Students need to also understand the importance of grooming. Out of the 200 odd students enrolled in the module, only a select 32 students managed to get a place to attend this evening’s sharing. Well, as the saying goes, the fastest finger wins. Yes, they were the quickest to sign up for the grooming talk at Singapore Polytechnic when news was made known.
From Nanyang Polytechnic to Temasek Polytechnic to Ngee Ann Polytechnic and now Singapore Polytechnic, it’s been a wonderful journey sharing my experience with them. Today was no exception.
Never underestimate your own potential to transform yourself. That was the theme of today’s grooming talk. With a renewed sense of self-assurance and self-respect, it really isn’t about shapes or sizes. Rather, it’s finding out first-hand what works for you and using your clothes to bring out your best.
From the animated group discussion on image destroyers to body shapes, styles and face shapes, the students were tuned in 100% and wanted more. If you ask me, confidence is what you make of it.
To succeed in life, one must feel that extra bit of confidence and let it come from within. Yes, clothes do make the man. That’s why the fastest way to look well groomed is choosing the right style of clothes. Hate as we might, we all have flaws on our bodies. Nobody is perfect. For some of us, it may be our thighs, for others it may be our arms. Wherever you feel less than perfect – you have two options: either learn to disguise in the short term with useful wardrobe tips or work it out in the gym in the long term.
As I shared with the Singapore Polytechnic students, knowledge is power. Use it subtlety to gain the advantage over others. Thoroughly understand yourself with an adept grooming sense and the related social etiquette first…and then you can go on to add value to others and the organization you aspire to work for. The true value of a positive image on others cannot be underestimated.
So if you can feel like a million dollars everyday, don’t ever settle for anything else 🙂