Grooming Talk For Ladies At Ministry of Education (MOE)
Perhaps I have left them in indelible impression from the last talk? But I choose to believe it is much more than that – I have given them maximum value for their time invested with me.
Even though it may just be a 1 hour talk today, but for all my participants who have attended my past programmes, workshops and talks, they know that they really learn something. It’s not a 1 hour session where I do all the talking and you do all the writing. It’s more of a sharing session where everyone is given an opportunity to share and ask questions. Of course, throw in the group discussions as well and there you have my secret sauce for making each one tick.
In a sea of ladies who filled the room, I was pleasantly surprised to see one sole gentleman. I guess I must applaud him for his courage to sit in, as I was told thereafter that there were other gentlemen who were found loitering outside the room, hesitant to enter when they peeped in and saw their female colleagues.
In life, there’s no such huge distinction between men or women only. Even in a ladies grooming workshop, men will still be able to pick up useful tips to enhance their image quotient as there are some perennial topics that are common across both genders. Unless I choose to speak on topics on makeup, then I think men should steer clear? Haha…
It’s always interesting to have a gender focused talk or workshop as I can share more in depth about what the true concerns of each gender are.
So what did the ladies learn today? I focused on the topic which has plagued all women from time immemorial. How do you determine your current body shape and after you have done so, what kinds of clothes should you choose to enhance your assets while hiding your flaws?
Drawing oohs and aahs from the crowd, many of whom were spotted jotting down notes. It was like revealing the secret behind that pack of cards trick. Yet if you look at it from another perspective, it really cannot get simpler than this.
Love yourself, love your body. And once you truly understand yourself and your body, you will save money as you will never ever buy clothes that don’t flatter your body shape anymore.
I’ll see you at the grooming talk or workshop soon 🙂