Eliminating Back Pain Talk At Wilmar International
Sharing that they just completed the move recently, the staff were more than happy to pick up a tip or two on eliminating back pain. By popular demand, the contractor was even summoned down to the meeting room to listen to my talk at mid-point upon request of some of the staff. This was so as I suggested incorporating ergonomically design chairs for the staff and making sure the height of the computer monitors were at the eye level of each staff. Just these two simple tips alone would go a long way to help provide more comfort to everyone sitting behind a desk.
Before we talk about the cure for back pain, we should revise the fundamentals and examine the structure of the human back and the various parts it comprises. The more intimately well we know our human body, in particular the back, the better we will be in a position to put in place certain measures to strengthen it. Why talk about cures when we can prevent it from occurring in the first place?
For those of you who have attended any of my talks or workshops, you know none of them will end without any practical elements. I’m an active person who enjoys weaving in hands-on activities in all my programmes. Ditto for this back pain talk.
So there you have it – a potent combination of shoulder massages and backward bends 🙂