Career Preparation Workshop For Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of Engineering: Top 5 Corporate Survival Skills
Whether you are a first year or final year student, it is never too early to start planning for your career. In fact, the earlier you start, the better as you will have more preparation time.
When one mentions career planning or career preparation, we instantly think of segments like career profiling, resume writing, interview skills and networking skills. If you mentioned any of these, you are definitely on the right track.
Invited to share with the final year engineering students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in today’s special segment is one that encompasses all aspects of career preparation.
It will indeed be too lengthy to regurgitate everything in this blog post. That’s why I’ll only share an interesting segment that I spoke about – I call it the top 5 corporate survival skills everyone must possess before entering the workforce.
Skill #1: Have Good Communication Skills
Regardless of the industry you are in, if you fail to communicate your ideas succinctly, clearly and effectively, chances are you will be misunderstood, or even sidelined.
Getting your ideas across to your bosses, team, subordinates and even suppliers is crucial as verbal communication has always formed the backbone of human interaction.
Here’s a quick tip you can adopt to up your communication skills – always only mention three keypoints you wish to highlight.
Interesting as it seems, the minds of most human beings are wired to process and retain knowledge of three inputs. Anything more and the attention span is lost.
Skill #2: Build Strong Relationships
No man is an island. Regardless of how strong you are, you still need a team. Think Captain America and the Avengers. Captain America himself cannot possibly save the world from another apocalypse. But together with the rest of the Avengers, he can. Do not take people for granted.
Instead, spend time nurturing your relationships with your colleagues and contacts. When a strong relationship is established, you can always count on them for help you out in times of need. Just like Captain America. He knows he can count on the Avengers when he needs them.
Skill #3: Be Reliable
Much as you expect to count on others helping out, you too must prove to be a valuable asset to your organization and team.
The question is – are you reliable? Can you solve issues and challenges?
In most organisations, challenges come in the forms of a manpower crunch, budget reduction or meeting a tight deadline. Ask yourself – can you rise against each challenge and tackle them successfully?
Skill #4: Have Strong Negotiation Skills
In today’s world, you must think win-win. Adopting a “I win you lose” mentality is just not going to cut it. That’s why you need to have strong negotiation skills.
Negotiation is a skill that can be mastered over time. Of course you need to know what your bargaining chips are and how much are you willing to give in order to receive?
Skill #5: Possess Leadership Skills
The importance of being a leader cannot be over-emphasised. Regardless of the position you are holding, we are all leaders in our very own ways.
Can you motivate and lead a team? Will you return victorious from battle or have your army slain down to the last man?
In all honesty, leadership is a skill that boils down to connecting with people and communicating with them.
Staff want leaders who develop emotional and sincere connections with them and are clear in their channels of communication.
Yes, it may sound tough surviving in the corporate world but everyone has to start somewhere.
For graduating students, the learning curve may be steeper but once equipped with these 5 top corporate survival skills, the journey ahead will be a much smoother one.