August Woman Magazine Interview On Branding Strategies

It feels surreal. But I’m really truly grateful for everything.

Ok, back to the August Woman interview. As the target audience of the magazine is working women, I was given some scenarios and asked to share tips on how women could brand themselves both in the corporate world and after they stepped out of the office back to their homes.
A brand is like an image we project to the outer world and the perception it creates in others. It is a multi-sensory engagement of the various human senses. Whether you know it or not, people form a perception of you and you need to take control of that. Whatever role you are playing now is dependent on the brand you create for yourself.
Everyone has a unique personal brand and it is crucial to manage it proactively. Your personal brand speaks volumes of who you are as a person, your expertise and your promise of value to the organization, colleagues and clients. A strong, authentic personal brand helps you become known for what you’re good at, sets you apart from everyone else, and can position you as an industry expert.
In today’s competitive society, building a strong personal brand is crucial to one’s career. But take note that it should not overshadow the company’s brand. After all, you are hired by the company and must be aligned to the same group mission and vision. As strong as your personal brand can be, one tip would be to leave the ego out of the equation. Companies do not welcome staff with huge egos as it complicates matters and relations.
It is an open secret that human beings are emotional creatures. That’s why we need to handle every “transaction” with each person with tact, care and finesse. Whether you are a single lady or married with kids, we all have choices we must make. And that choice very often is a choice of how we want to be perceived in the hearts and minds of others.