August Man A-listers Competition Roadshow – Support Lionel Lim

In conjunction with the launch of the Augustman portal & the A-listers competition, there will be a meet the A-listers roadshow over the next three days. I’ve been slotted to attend tonight’s roadshow.
Yes, it’s happening at Ion Orchard Atrium at 8pm tonight. Basically, we will be involved in a Oprah Winfrey kind of talkshow and be asked questions on our profession and hobbies.
Now that the recording is over, here are my after thoughts of the roadshow.
The mood definitely was light and fun, nothing too serious as previously envisaged. And it did help in a way as the organisers hinted the possible questions we would be posed. This certainly allowed me time and space to organise my thoughts before sharing my views.
For me, Andrea (the host) asked me what being a lifestyle coach meant and how I added value to other people’s lives. Then she invited me to critique the other 3 guys’ dressing in my capacity as an image consultant. Hahaha…
Of course, there’s a time for work and there’s a time for play. When presented with the question what was the one movie I would screen for all the guys on boys night out, I had the answer ready. Avatar! Not only do big boys play with their toys, big boys also have a softer side to them. It’s about rediscovering who they are deep down inside, just like Sam Worthington’s character Jake Sully did in the movie. To distinguish the big boys from the best boys, learning to be in touch with your own inner world is the only way forward.
Lasting all but 20 minutes, the roadshow was soon over. Many thanks to Jason & his friends for coming down to support me.
In any competition, knowing that you have the love, encouragement & support of your family & friends is perhaps the most blessed feeling one can ever experience. Thanks everybody. I’ll do my best.