3 Tips to Having A Great Photoshoot

Mention the word “photoshoot” and most will relate it to modelling. Yes, photoshoots used to be the domain of models in the past. But not anymore. In today’s society, it’s becoming a popular and fun activity to engage in. That’s especially so because you have a professional photographer, a fashion stylist and a makeup artist pampering you throughout the shoot – making you feel like royalty.
I’m a veteran of photoshoots as I cannot recall how many I have done over the last six years since I started my entrepreneurship journey. While some are personal shoots, others have been commissioned or are part of my projects for organisations. Just like the two day photoshoot for educational institution Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s students. Judging from their levels of excitement and mutual chatter, I know it’s the first time for all of them. Well, this is not surprising as most Asians are more subdued and less likely to flaunt themselves in front of the camera.
The students asked me what they should do so as to look like a pro in front of the camera. I offered them three tips. These are the same three tips to having great photoshoots which I am going to share with all of you now. I also showed first hand how to pose by doing a casual shot.
Tip #1: Smile For The Camera
The world’s universal language is not English. Instead, it is the smile. Yes, a smile that cuts across all cultures, religions and motherlands. So come on people, smile. This is a happy occasion. You are not going to be executed or gunshot so smile smile. Show some teeth. Think happy thoughts of your loved ones and you will smile naturally.
Tip #2: Focus Your Eyes
We all know the eyes are the windows to our soul. You can’t hide a lie when you look at a pair of eyes. If it’s watery, chances are you are feeling emotional, sad or depressed. In the same manner, if you don’t look at the camera, how can we capture the essence of your being? How can we tell the mood you want to portray? 80% of the time you will look at the camera as that’s the chief direction that is typical of most photoshoots. The other 20% of the time you will focus your eyes elsewhere as the theme of the shoot is different and you will need to get into the mood of things.
Tip #3: Wear Your Best Clothes
Clothes do make the man. There’s no denying this. As the resolution of a professional photoshoot is very high, you need to realise that nothing escapes the image that is captured. Even a simple acne or a strand of fly-away hair will be captured (whether you like it or not). So for everybody’s sake, don’t wear crumpled clothes for the shoot. Do not wear your pyjamas as well. Clothes that are too worn-in, though comfortable, will also reveal their age. The same goes for ill-fitting clothes that have lost their structure because of prolonged years of wearing should be outcast. Remember, you wear the clothes and not have the clothes wear you.
Instead, impress at first sight by wearing your best clothes. I for one will take pains to choose my clothes days before the actual photoshoot and coordinate my look so I look my immaculate best.
These are the same basic three tips that have seen me through all my photoshoots. Personally, I enjoy photoshoots because every photographer’s technique is different…so one can expect different results when you see the photos. But one thing remains the same – smile, your eye focus and of course wearing your best clothes.
I’m so looking forward to my next photoshoot. I hope the students share the same sentiment as me too.
PS: And if there’s one thing I know, that is I have created history for myself as I styled 198 boys and 65 girls single-handedly. Wow! Giving myself a huge pat on my back now…Super proud of myselfl!