3 Tips To Branding Yourself

3 Tips To Branding Yourself
If I have a secret to share, would you be keen?
The secret is you owe it to yourself to become the person you want to be. 
Many times in life, we lament about missed opportunities and why others always have it easier than us. This is because the grass always seems greener on the other side. Not anymore. We are going to level that playing field once and for all.
Sounds like a bold declaration, right?
Well, just come along and attend the Groom Me workshop designed for the engineering students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I’m 100% positive your perceptions in life will change. That’s what a powerful programme should do – leave an indelible mark on the life of the participants.
Billed as a two-parter as today’s the workshop and tomorrow’s the photoshoot, it’s also my last project for this year before I celebrate Christmas.
So, as they always say…let’s save the best for last!
From an ugly duckling to a has-been ex-ugly duckling, my story is public information. We are all capable of transformations. Think positive ones.
Trust me. It’s not about looks. It’s not about ability. It’s about how you position yourself. And that’s what is termed as branding.
Put your best foot forward and start branding yourself. Just like how we identify with brands like Nike or Disney, so too must someone else identity with your name and identity.
Remember, if you don’t brand yourself, someone else will. And the consequence will not be so favourable. You may lose that coveted job or scholarship. 
Here’s my 3 tips to branding for all readers. 

#Tip No 1: Create A Positive First Impression

There’s no running away from the absolute need to create a positive first impression. You need to be presentable not only for yourself…but also for the people around you. The people around you are the ones who may decide your immediate future or give you opportunities to shine. Of course, if you look good, you feel good too. It resonates from inside out. 
By developing your own brand, you’ll have control over the initial perception people have of you.
My take has always been to dress well and dress right. You don’t have to wear branded clothes from head to toe. In fact, that’s so cheesy. Mix and match your clothes well according to the occasion and you are off to a flying start! Keeping your face oil free too is a huge plus point. I realized most guys don’t pay enough attention to their number one asset – their face! 



#Tip No 2: Speak Coherently

You don’t have to pit your intelligence with someone else’s. Depending on the occasion, you tailor your speech to build instant rapport with your target. Whether your target is your audience or boss or client, you need to learn how to speak coherently. 
Speaking well is a virtue that can be improved over time. Some people open their mouths and out comes garbage. In today’s society where time is of essence, say what you want to say concisely so others get your message. There is no point to mumble or ramble. Both are sins in themselves.
Ever heard of an elevator pitch? Yes, you need to let your brand shine through in a mere 30 seconds or less. If I still don’t know what you are trying to “sell” at the end of the high-speed elevator trip, chances are you will be relegated to the end of the queue. Our minds are not designed to process verbosity. They have in fact been trained to listen to simple language. Cut out the huge words and give emotions to what you speak.

#Tip No 3: Build Social Proof

You don’t live for the applause like what Lady Gaga sings. Instead, you become the applause that others want to give you so generously. Your name figures prominently in the circles you move in – whether it is on campus, workplace, society and beyond. People flock to be in your company. Sounds like a mere dream?
I call this social proof. 
While people may be forgetful at time (they can even forget your name!), they will never forget that image in their subconscious mind. Images stored in the subconscious are powerful as they trigger emotions tsunami-like. In this huge repository, we remember the highs (and lows of course), the triumphs (and defeats as well)…Social proof can be effectively created by the way we lead our lives. Yes, I’m talking about being congruent. You need to walk the talk. Your life revolves around your character, your being and your doing. Your behavior is under constant scrutiny so always move in tandem to the brand you intend to create.
Like what I shared with the participants today, it really is not difficult to create a strong branding. If I, once a pock-marked, sickly and low self-esteemed guy can do it, everyone in the LT can do it too!