3 Tips To Bounce Back From A Retracted Job Offer
Congratulations on the job offer! I know it isn’t easy to ace the interview. But honestly, nothing is cast in stone unless you start work officially. This is because companies can retract the job offers. After the emotional rollercoaster, learn how to bounce back and restart your job search. 1. Take time to deal with the shock Receiving news of a job offer retraction might leave you feeling emotionally drained regardless of how prepared you were for it. Thus, giving yourself the time to calm down is crucial. You can grieve. You can cry. You can even bemoan. Give yourself full …
3 Reasons Why You Should Have A Digital Portfolio
While a portfolio is useful, it is pretty restrictive as it is primarily a physical document and you have to carry it with you everywhere. To overcome this, I strongly recommend you to have a digital portfolio instead. As its name suggests, a digital portfolio is an online repository which allows you to share your accomplishments with anyone who has access to the internet. Besides your accomplishments, you are also able to showcase your skills, interests and passion. Honestly, no one knows how much you have achieved unless you share your success with them. Therefore, you should start early to …
Lionel Lim In Singapore Livestreaming Competition 2021
Lionel Lim in the Singapore Livestreaming Competition 2021? Yes it came as a shock to many people when I signed up for the Livestreaming Competition 2021. Now why would I do such a thing? After all, not many seasoned trainers, consultants or coaches will dare to put their reputation aside and start afresh. But I decided to do it. A nationwide competition organized by the Singapore Institute of Retail Studies and partnered with Workforce Singapore, the live streaming competition can be considered a first in Singapore’s recent history. To many, livestreaming is still a relatively new concept, especially in Singapore. …
How To Prepare For The Technical Interview
Most people fear interviews. But among all the different types of interviews, there is one stands out for its fear factor alone. And that honour belongs to the technical interview. Yes, the dreaded technical interview itself is often the biggest nemesis for most people. But like it or not, if you are going to apply for a job in engineering, IT, accountancy or the sciences, chances are you will need to come face to face with the technical interview sooner or later. Take my advice – sooner is always better. And the earlier you start prepping yourself for one, the …
Common Mistakes To Avoid In Your Resume
I just completed my fifth resume writing clinic under the SGUS initiative today. Aimed at providing job opportunities to job seekers to help them acquire the skillsets and capabilities to access employment possibilities, I found three common traits amongst many participants that’s worth highlighting. So here’s what you should NOT be doing in your resume as it’s akin to performing harikiri. Tip #1: The Job Description Is Not Your Work Experience After reviewing the resumes, I observed job seekers were pasting the entire job description into the work experience section. If you are guilty of this as well, stop. The …
How To Build Your Personal Brand On Google
Fact: The King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley recorded more than 600 songs throughout his career. But do you know how many songs did he actually write? Not a single one! Not “Jailhouse Rock”. Not even “Hound Dog”! The King was just a great performer. All he did was to find great songwriters for his biggest hits. My point is this – You don’t have to do everything yourself. Elvis didn’t need to write his own songs to become one of the biggest rockstars of all time. He just leveraged on the right platform. Similarly in our case. Let …
How To Prepare For EAE Polytechnic Group Interview
If you always thought an interview was nerve-wrecking, then you probably haven’t been through a group interview. As the name suggests, a group interview refers to a setting where you are put together with other candidates in the same room in front of the interviewers. Under such a circumstance, the stress level is doubled or tripled. After all, a group interview does resemble ‘Survivor’, the reality hit TV show, where contestants pit their wits against each other to emerge victorious. It’s that time of the year again when the winds of the Early Admission Exercise (EAE) start blowing into the …
3 Tips To Building A Positive Online Presence
We live in an age defined by inter-connectedness, where our online persona is becoming increasingly important to not only our social life, but also our career. More employers are beginning to value the importance of evaluating candidates’ credentials not solely based on their resume and interview performance, but also based on their image online. If done well, a positive online presence can boost your personal brand and increase the odds of employment. Thus, it is vital to build a positive online presence. After all, it’s all about first creating your brand and then promoting it. In today’s personal branding workshop …
Mens Grooming Workshop for Hwa Chong Institution: 3 Tips To Become A Stylish Guy
I’m not a fashion police. So I’m not going to tell you what’s hot and what’s not. Neither am I going to tell you what’s in vogue. That’s the job of a fashion stylist. And as we all know, trends come and go. Rather, as an image consultant, I’m going to share with you how you can become a more stylish guy in terms of your dressing. And I’m sure you, like the JC2 students today who signed up for the mens grooming workshop from Hwa Chong Institution will leave class feeling invigorated and empowered to look their …